
 Self Portrait Poem- She the Tree

Tall like a tree
not as skinny as a stick
she stands

Her eyes change color
as if they were mood rings
green to brown to hazel

Her hair changes like the seasons
and contains no true color
 almost bronze like a medal

millions of light brown freckles
cover her pale skin 

She loves friends
and would be lost without them
laughing  crying with friends

enjoys basking
in the Florida sun

Stealthy slithery snakes
alarm her
while delightfuly  darling dogs
ease and excite her

an architect is what someday
 she wishes to be
since she enjoys design and creativity

many describe her as

she wonders if she will ever
get to see Hawaii
and what it may be like...
tropical, enjoyable, amazing?

courtious compliments:
make her day 
make her feel optimistic
encourage her to compliment someone too

 Block Island
excites her
she becomes relaxed and joyful there
delectable banana boat rides,
cooling strawberry smothies,
 sand tickling her toes

adores the rich shade
 of relaxing purple

in her room she gets taken away
the bright colors
the personality
pictures of her friends smiling radiantly

Pass, Set, Hit
always ready for volleyball
 hair pulled back, hands together
as she awaits the serve
a new found love
that is sure to last 

when she becomes happy
she turns cheerful

she becomes quiet
when sad

she is always chatty and charming
when she is excited

when tried
she becomes grouchy

flying in the air
sitting in a car
she enjoys traveling
no matter how far
for that is something many
don't no

Everything here makes
this girl up
she is very distinct
but quite uniform too
she is like a tree,
constantly changing
yet always the same
Poetic Elements:

In my Self Portrait poem one of the poetic elements I used was visual imagery.  I used visual imagery to describe how I look.  Here's an example of how I used visual imagery, "Her eyes change color,as if they were mood rings" and when I said, " Millions of light brown freckles cover her pale skin."  I used visual imagery because in their heads, people could picture what I look like and have a better reference of me throughout the whole poem as to what I look like

For my second poetic element I used alliteration.  I used alliteration when I said, " Stealthly slithery snakes" , "Delightful darling dogs", and "curtious complements".  I liked using alliteration in this poem because it made the word that I was describing have more meaning, and it also helped the reader enjoy reading my self portrait poem.