
Choice Poem #1(Free Verse) - Island Paradise

TOOT! TOOT! The ferry blows its horn

The waves roll softly on to the shore

Finally we’re here in Block Island


VROOM! VROOM! I ride my bike down a large hill

We ride into town

The cold breeze in my face

Blows my hair behind me


SLURP! SLURP! I hurriedly gobble up

My rich chocolate ice cream

The once hard ice cream turns into liquid

As it rolls down the golden cone

It still tastes just as good


WOOSH! WOOSH! My head whips back

I bounce around crazily

Oh no! Water fills up the banana boat

The quick turn surprises me

I lose my grip and slip off the back of the boat


SPLASH! SPLASH! My kayak paddle slaps the water

I gracefully glide across the calm inlet

The resistance of the water causes me to

Push and pull the paddle even harder


CLICK-CLACK! CLICK-CLACK! A crab scurries across the dock

It tries to escape into the water but I stop it just in time

I place a slimy hotdog on to my lure

I feel a tug on the rope and I immediately pull in my line

Out of the water and I see a minute crab

Hanging on with one claw


CRASH! CRASH! The waves wash onto the beach

The rhythmic sound repeats

It never stops

I promptly run down the beach

Once I reach the water I shiver from its coldness

No matter how cold I still go in

On the beach I dig my toes into the sand

The sun beats down on my body as I relax on my towel

SNIFF! SNIFF! The smell of hotdogs and french-fries fills the air

I slurp up a strawberry smoothie

Yum! It tingles my taste buds

It is refreshing after a long day on Block Island

Every day here is delightful and different

 Never ending things to do

Block Island is the closest thing to paradise  
Poetic Elements:

In my Free Verse poem one of the poetic elements I used was onomatopoeia.  I used this because I thought it made the poem more enjoying for the reader.  It also helped to set the mood for that stanza.  I used onomatopoeia in the first line of each stanza.  Doing this set a distinct rythm for the entire poem.  Some examples of onomatopoeias in my poem are TOOT! TOOT!, CRASH! CRASH!, and CLICK-CLACK! CLICK-CLACK!

The second poetic element I used in this poem was organic imagery.  I used this because it helped my readers see how I felt about some of the topics in my poem.  I used organic imagery multiple times in my free verse poem.  Here is one example: Yum! It tingles my taste buds