Poetic Elements Glossary


 Visual Imagery: Words that describe sight

 Auditory Imagery: Words that describe sounds

 Olfactory Imagery: Representation of a smell

 Gustatory Imagery: Repersentation of a taste

 Tactile Imagery: Words that describe touch; hardness, wetness, hot, cold etc.

 Organic Imagery: Internal sensation; hunger, thirst, fatigue etc.  

 Kinesthetic Imagery: Movement; physical tension
Figurative Language-

 Figurative Language: Speech or writing that departs from literal meaning in order to achieve special affect

 Metaphor: A comparison of two things that are basically unlike but have some similar qualities (not using like or as)

 Simile: Makes a comparison between two unlike things using like or as

 Personfication: Giving human like qualities to an animal, object or idea

 Hyperbole: A figure of speech in which the truth is exaggerated

 Antithesis: Opposition; Contrast

 Symbol: A person, place, an object, or activity that stands for something beyond it's self

 Allusion: A reference to a famous person, place, event, or work of literature

 Connotation: Symbolic "baggage" attached to a word, significant, rich in imagery... the deeper meaning

 Denotation: Actual defintion...think dictionary
Melidoc Devices-

 Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds with non rhyming words

 Melodic Devices: Give rythmic, metered patterns to poetry.  Incorporating melodic devices gives poetry a desired tone, makng the word selection vital.

 Alliteration: The repetition of constant sounds at the begining of words.

 Consonance: The repetition of conosant sounds within and at the end of words.  Unlike rhyme in that the voewl sounds preceding or following the repeated consonant sounds differ.

 Onomatopoeia: The use pf words whose sounds echo their meanings
                       Ex:buzz, whisper, gargle, murmur

 Cacophony: harsh discordance (state) of sound

 Euphony: Agreeableness of sound, pleasing effect to the ear; a pleasant sounding or harmonious combonation or succession of words