
Narrative Poem- "One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For Mankind"

“Huston, tranquility base here, the eagle (11)

Has landed.”  The words slipped out of my mouth. (10)

The shining stars surrounded me like a blanket (12)

The rocky feeling below me.  Stillness. (10)

No wind.  Soundless.  As if I was deaf. (9) 


Unimaginable.  Like watching a movie. (12)

Never really believing it will happen. (11)

Only dark sky, gleaming with vibrant stars. (10)

Like sand on a beach, it’s all I can see. (10)

Everyone’s quiet. Speechless. All thinking alike. (12)


SNAP, SNAP.  Sounds of the camera breaks the silence (11)

As I walk, I feel awkward, unstable. (10)

Like a baby standing up, taking its first steps, (12)

Not sure what to do or where to explore first. (11)

My footprints follow me, never blowing away. (12)


BANG! Buzz and I pierce the rocked ground with the flagpole. (12)

All of the joy builds up inside of me. (10)

My heart pounds, almost pumping out if my chest. (11)

 Apollo 11 beeps and flashes its lights, (12)

Seeming as excited as me to be on the moon (13)

Pride fills my body.  A huge lump forms in my throat. (12)

Tears forms in my eye, though I don't end up crying. (12)

These tears aren't of sadness, but of pure happiness (12)

I have never been this excited about something, ever (10)

I feel as long as you believe, you can succeed. (12)

This poem is about Neil Armstrong, as you may have guessed, and when he lands on the moon.  In case you don't already know, Neil Armstrong was the first man ever to be on the moon.  This poem is supposed to show Mr. Armstrong's emotions about landing on the moon and also paint a picture of what space looked like, even though I've never been to space.  I feel that this poem portrays his feeling very well and I hope you enjoyed reading my Narrative poem.

Poetic Elements:

The first poetic element I used in this poem was allusion.  I used this element throughout my narrative poem.  I used this because it would almost be impossible to create a poem about a favorite person without relating back to them. 

For my second poetic element in this poem I used mood.  The mood illustrated in my narrative poem was excited and overjoyed.  I represented this in the poem multiple times.  I mainly showed the mood when I had Neil Armstrong talking.  Mood was important to have in this poem because it showed how Mr. Armstrong felt when he was on the moon.

The last poetic element in my narrative poem was onomatopoeia.  I used this when I wrote "SNAP,SNAP!" and "BANG!"  By using this poetic element it made my narrative poem a little more "fun". Instead of me just keeping it plain and make the poem all facts and feelings. 

*In this poem I also used Melodic Devices because each line was mainly in between 10 and 12 syllables long.*