
Found Poem- Guest on the Beach

This poem was made using the words from a part of the book The Cupcake Queen.

A dog running toward me
Goes fast, kicking up sand

I start laughing,
The first time in forever.
It feels good, but weird

All at once, he's on me,
big wet paws, big wet tounge.
He tries to lick my face

A guy running toward me,
pushes up the sleeve of his sweatshirt

The guy reaches for the dog's collar,
The dog thumps his tail beside me,
making a sand angel with each swish

Sam, the dog, tears off down the beach.
The guy blushes, and pushes his curly
Brown hair off his forehead

He watches me, with eyes really
dark brown, like Sam's

The dog, running in circle around me.
His smell like seawater and salt
His fur thick, golden, and damp from the ocean

In the dim light I watch the water,
trying to figure out which
way the tide is going.

Sam pushes his head into my hand,
petting himself on my fingers

We hear Sam bark,
Too dark to see him.
The guy turn and lifts a hand
Toward me

He smiles, the corners crinkle,
turning, running after Sam
Poetic Elements:

For the first poetic element in my found poem I used tactile imagery.  An example of when I used this is when I said, "His fur thick...and damp form the ocean."  I used this because firt of all it was in the book that I was taking the words from, and secondly because it gave toe reader a better discription of what the dog looked like.

The second poetic element that I used in this poem was olfactory imagery.  I used this when I said, "His smell like seawater and salt." This hinted to the readers that this scene was taking place on the ocean, that is wy I decided to used this line.