Poetry Reflection

               I never really liked writing poetry, but I also never really knew how many different styles of poetry there are.  I realized that once you find a style that you like writing in, and if you are writing about a topic that you are intrested in, then writing poetry becomes more enjoyable.  This project has taught me a lot about poetry that I never knew.  From new poets, to different styles, to different elements that are essential. 

                 I got most of my inspiration from my friends and family, I would say.  For my nature poem I got my inspiration from my back yard and some of my front yard.  For the Social Concern poem I got my inspiration from the African American children living during the segregated times and also from the inter-city children who just want to have a normal life.  I really wanted to show how harsh their lives were, and also what they had to deal with everyday.  For all of the other poems I got my inspiration from my heart.  I just sat down and told myself I could do this, if it wasn’t my favorite type of poem.  Then before I knew it, I was done.  Lastly, my I believe that my inspiration came from many different places, depending on what poem I was writing at the time.

                I believe that each of my poems were very unique and that they all had a very different themes.  My themes were mostly about or related to if you set your heart and mind to it, then you can succeed.  This was the basic theme for my Narrative poem and partially in my Found poem and in my Social Concern poem.  In my Nature poem the theme was to always be observant to the little things in life.  This was an important theme because without those little things that humans are so used to, we would have a very dull and boring world.  The theme for my List poem was hard to tell through this style of poetry, but it was that home is something that you should be thankful for, because not everyone has one.  The theme in my self portrait poem is also hard to show in this poem.  It is to always love who you are.  The themes for my two choice poems were to sometimes just take a minute and relax in life.

                Wow, in this poetry unit I learned so much.  I never knew how many different poetic elements there were.  Half of these elements I didn’t fully know or understand when we started writing poetry.  I learned about a whole bunch of new poets and refreshed my mind on some of the ones I knew.  I learned how to write a whole bunch of new poetry.  I feel like I now know how to write all of the styles of poetry, even though I know I’m not even close.  I learned about rhyming patterns.  Most importantly I learned how to use Weebly to make a website.

                I feel like this poetry website flew by and I have to stop and think about what was hard and easy for me.  I know that the found poem was what I was most scared about to write, after I found (no pun intended) out about what it was.  Surprisingly, after I stared writing the found poem it wasn’t as bad as I thought, and the final product was actually okay.  In the end my favorite type of poems to write are found poems, even though they can be a little challenging.  The easiest poem for me to write was the nature poem.  Working with the website wasn’t the easiest thing on earth to do also. I really think that they should have spell check on the website.   I also was quite scared for the Social Concern poem, but once again, after I started writing it, it was easy.  The hardest thing for me was time management.  I would always underestimate the amount of time it would take me to write a poem and I feel like I would be doing it at the last minute.  Also, something would go wrong, and then I would end up behind what I wanted to get done for that night/weekend.  This website was a lot more fun than I thought it would be and now I know how to write a whole bunch of styles of poetry!