
List Poem- Home Sweet Home




Tables of food,

Bedrooms of clothes,


Comforting couches,

Terrific T.V’s,
Warming Fireplaces,

Throws for snuggling in when cold;


Sizzling stoves,

Fresh, Fabulous food,

Coffee brewing,

T.V. playing,

Dishwasher Cleaning;

Curtains blowing,

Unmade beds,

Cluttered dressers,

Beeping alarm clocks,

Fan spinning,

Mirrors reflecting,

Notebooks on dressers,

Clothes in closets;

Flat screen T.V’s

Game systems attached,

Feet pounding upstairs,

Cushioned couches,


Sweaty from a workout,

Pictures of vacations

On the walls;

Toothpaste around sink,

Herbal scents

Floating out of the shower,

Towels lying upon the floor,

Decorated walls,

Floss on the floor,

Fluffy throw rug;

Home is comforting,

Home is relaxing,

Home is enjoyable,

Home is always there

Whenever you need it

Poetic Elements:

The first poetic element that I used in my list poem is visual imagery.  I used visual imagery in my whole poem.  An example of visual imagery in my poem is, " Curtians blowing, Unmade beds, and  Cluttered dressers."  I used visual imagery in this poem to show what a house looks like.  This is so the reader can paint a picture in their own heads and they can also relate to this poem better when they paint a picture in their heads.

The second poetic element that I used in this poem is alliteration.  An example of when I used alliteration in this list poem is, " Fresh, fabulous food" and " Cushined couches".  I also used alliteration different times througout this poem.  I used alliteration to draw the reader into the poem and make the poem more exciting for the reader.