Extra Credit #1- Late Night

Drooping eyelids, trying to stay awake.
BONG! The grandfather clock strikes twelve,
Two more sheets of homework,
Study for three tests,
One book report

Dreaming while awake, Quite weird,
Chocolate bar wrappers
Surrounding my computer,
Trying to stay awake

Head resting on hand, drool hanging from mouth,
BUZZ! Phone vibrates, waking me up.
Too tired to answer it

Cans of dad's energy drinks on desk,
Don't even give me enough energy.
A darkness outside my window,
Curtians blow, as if trying to wake me up
Lay my head down, just for a minute
I won't fall asleep

No use,
Turn off the computer,
Lay my head down,
Start to fall asleep, 
Then I remember,
Tomorrow's Saturday
Poetic Elements:

For my First poetic element I used Organic Imagery.  I used this throughout the whole poem to show how tired this person was.  I used this when I said," Drooping Eyelids, trying to stay awake".

The second poetic element I used was Onomatopoiea.  I used this to create action in the poem.  I used this when I said, "BONG!" and "BUZZ!".