
Nature Poem- Spring Has Sprung

Big green giants look down at me
Waving their arms as if saying hello
Their hair blowing in the wind
Sun glistens upon them
Turning the giants a shade of yellow

Little buds peeking out of their homes
Coming into a new world
For they bring color to the green flowers
The little buds they are 
Will soon come out to play, and bring happiness with them 

A fuzzy little annoyance buzzes around my head                                                                                        
His wings moving quickly, as if run by a motor
He lands on a flower, stays, and then floats gracefully away
His colors of bright yellow and dark black                                   
make him so ovbious to see

Colossal marshmallows floating in the sky
They move slowly, like a turtle on land      
The sun hides behind them playing hide and go seek
They form into animals, bunnies  whales  cats
Soon they become deformed and drift away, slowly

Out of all four seasons spring is most uplifting to me
New life comes out from their warm winter shelters
Everyone starts to wear bright colors
All the children resume their play outside once again
For spring is like birthdays, it brings happiness to everyone

Poetic Elements:

In my nature poem I used imagery.  I used this particular element throughout the whole poem.  More spefically i used imagery when I said, " Colassal marshmallows floating in the sky" and also when I said, " His wings moving so quickly, as if run by a motor".  I used imagery because the readers of this poem could really paint a picture in their head of what the poem was about.

The second poetic element that I used in my nature poem is simile.  I used similies when I said, " They move slowly, like a turtle on land", and when I said, "For spring is like birthdays, it brings joy to everyone".  I enjoy using similies because they make people really think about what I'm writing and also sometimes the readers can understand how I feel about the two things I'm comparing.